Please do the following steps in order until the solution is found:

Step 1 – Please restart your computer.

Step 2 – Do the following test:

  1. Create a NEW Premiere pro Project.
  2. Import two shots into the timeline.
  3. Import a transition.

If the video is no longer black, you will not be able to apply transitions in your last project. You can import your older Premiere Pro project file into a New Premiere project and continue working. Simply, you can drag and drop a Premiere Pro project file into the project panel in Premiere Pro and access your previous project.

Step 3:

  1. In Premiere Pro, go to File – Project Settings – General.
  2. Under Renderer, change to another option if available.
  3. Change the Renderer to “Mercury Playback Engine Software Only”. Click OK.
  4. If the screen is still black, delete the current transition and import one again.

If everything is still black, move on to the next step:

Step 4:

  1. Go to Edit – Preferences – Media.
  2. Then check the Hardware accelerated decoding (requires restart).
  3. Restart Premiere Pro.